WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.


Do Online Vape Shops Ship To California?

Do Online Vape Shops Ship To California?

Read More Link: https://bluediamondvapors.com/california/

Do online vape shops ship to California?

The short answer is “yes” and Blue Diamond Vapors is currently selling and shipping to everywhere in California except San Francisco.

As the vaping industry changes and evolves, many of the methods that customers use to purchase their favorite supplies have been shaped by federal and state regulations. In the beginning, vape shops like Blue Diamond Vapors were able to ship our products nearly anywhere, as long as the requirements that were set forth by the federal or local government were met. For the most part, this simply meant that an adult over 21 years old had to sign for the package, or verify their age before purchase using an age verification system built into our shopping cart. As regulations tightened regarding the manufacture and distribution of both vaping supplies and eliquids, we found that not only were we constrained by the regulations themselves, but also the methods that we could use to deliver the products to the customers. Essentially, state and federal regulations made it very difficult for smaller, independent manufacturers to create and sell products, and this process was complicated even further by shipping companies refusing to transport vape supplies. For some time, we were forced to sell only to our localized market, where we could service the customers within our own brick and mortar store. Luckily, we have now found ourselves able to begin shipping again to areas outside of Las Vegas and the surrounding areas.

Our shipping capabilities of our vape supplies now extends to California, with the exception of San Francisco. This means that we are able to allow California customers to shop on our website www.bluediamondvapors.com and purchase supplies and eliquids as long as they are over 21 years old. We are able to arrange transportation of those orders from our location to your address in the state of California, and the order is able to be delivered to you as long as an adult over 21 years of age is present and can sign for the package. This policy extends to all addresses within the state of California except for San Francisco, where local regulations of the vaping industry do not allow for delivery. This is good news for our customers in California who want to take advantage of our huge inventory and ridiculously low prices. Our goal was always to capitalize on our ability to buy in bulk and sell in volume, and as more ability to sell and deliver outside of our local environment open up, the more we will be able to pass these savings on to our customers. In many cases, we are now not only able to bring you the gear and eliquids that you can’t find at your local vape shop, but we are able to provide them to you at prices that are far lower than they charge. Factor in the convenience of having the orders delivered right to your doorstep, and it is a win for everyone involved. We look forward to servicing our California customers, and providing them with the best pricing and selection of any vape shop online, or in person.

Age Verification
You must be 21 or older to visit this website. Your age will be verified at checkout.
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