

What Is E Juice?

The vaping community uses words like e liquid and e juice every day, and will generally assume that everyone understands what they are referring to when they talk about juice, but the truth is that the majority of the general public has almost no idea what an e juice is and how it is used. This is probably why there is so much misinformation about “second hand vapor” and what is in it. This misunderstanding is at the root of why people think that a vapor cloud is the same thing as smoke, and contains all of the same particulate matter that everyone realizes is dangerous to breathe. By defining and discussing exactly what is an e juice, how an e juice is used, and what is in that vapor cloud that is seen when a person breathes out, we are better able to educate the public on why vaping should not be compared to smoking. So, lets start by discussing what e juice is.

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