

Know What You Are Getting

When you purchase vaping supplies or e-juice in order to enjoy your vaping experience, many times if you are not paying attention or purchasing supplies from a reputable vape shop, you may be getting more than you bargained for.  One sad truth about vaping juices is that many of them are manufactured overseas in areas without regulation as far as the chemicals and ingredients that can be used in the mix.  These juices are then sold in bulk to brands who then re-package the e-juice into their own bottles and sell it to the public.  What nobody knows by the time that product hits the consumer’s hands is exactly what ingredients went into the process, and what ingredients you are taking into your lungs.  At Blue Diamond Vapors, we carefully monitor our e-juice blends using only the finest ingredients that we approve for use, and we clearly label our bottles with all of the ingredients that went into the making of that particular product.  We believe that it is your right as a consumer to know exactly what is in the products that you are using, which is why we go far and above the legal requirements for packaging.  We want our customers to have a consistent vaping experience, but more than anything we want you to have a safe vaping experience.  We know that the only way to assure this is to manufacture the juices ourselves in our lab in Las Vegas, involving no outside parties in the process and therefore allowing us to be certain of the ingredients that are in each bottle that we ship to you.

One of the easiest ways to be subjected to ingredients that are sub-standard is to purchase vaping supplies and e-juices that are very inexpensive.  One of the rules of thumb of almost any industry is that quality materials and ingredients cost more to purchase than inferior ones.  Many vaping juice manufacturers will keep the prices down by using substitutes for quality ingredients or cheap alternatives that will provide not only inferior flavor consistency but potentially harmful effects.  Blue Diamond Vapors promotes vaping as an alternative to smoking cigarettes due to the unhealthy chemicals that are contained in tobacco products, and as such we feel that we should avoid potentially harmful ingredients even if the profit margins will not be as high, and even if we do not make as much money when we sell them to the public.  We feel that by continually providing the best products on the market, our customers will notice the difference and will continue to purchase from us in the future.  We are not trying to offer the cheapest products, we are trying to offer the best.

If you have any questions about our e-liquid formulations, or how you can purchase out high quality vaping supplies for your shop, contact our customer service representatives directly.  We sell our products to consumers directly through our website as well as through partner vape shops all over the country.  If you do not see Blue Diamond Vapors products in your local vape shop, request them!