

Why it is important to buy vaping supplies from a reputable vape shop

Purchasing vaping supplies and e-liquids online or from vape shops that are not highly regarded in your community is a risk, not only in that you might be purchasing cheap knockoff equipment that does not perform as effectively as better manufacturers, but also you do face the issue that you cannot be absolutely sure what ingredients are in your e-juice.  While it is actually uncommon for e-juices to have extraneous elements beyond the basics that are part of all e-juices, as additives would not make for a better product, there is still the risks associated with lax manufacturing and potential contamination from foreign substances.  For this reason, we suggest that you only consider shopping in reputable vape shops that carry brands that have been tested and have proven to be quality.  Blue Diamond Vapors brand e-juices are manufactured by hand in our Las Vegas lab, and are done so under the strictest guidelines in order to assure an excellent vaping experience every time they are used.  In addition to our own manufactured products, we only carry equipment brands that pass our quality standards.  Basically, if we wouldn’t use it ourselves, we won’t sell it to you.

Blue Diamond Vapors is quickly becoming recognized as an industry leader in both the sale and manufacture of vaping supplies.  The reason for this continued growth is that we have dedicated ourselves to providing the best products on the market, combining them with a knowledge of the industry and community, and keeping an ongoing dialog going with our customers.  We continually listen to our customers concerns and experiences when they come in to our location, and we continually listen to the dialog on social media that surrounds our products and the vaping community in general.  We believe that the community will be the best way of determining if a product is up to our standards or not, and believe us when we say that if the vaping community voices a concern about a product’s quality that we will not sell it.  We want you to rest assured that the quality of our products are not based on our opinions alone, but on the collective opinions of the vaping community who are using these products daily.

As a dedicated vape shop, we specialize in vaping equipment and supplies.  Unlike smoke shops who also carry tobacco products, or convenience stores that just sell a few e-cig products at their counters, we are in the business of selling vaping products to vaping enthusiasts.  For this reason, we research our products and understand exactly what can be expected of them when they are used.  Our employees can give you advice to help you make good decisions about vaping and the products associated with vaping because we use them ourselves, and this is all we do.  We are not in the business of selling vaping supplies as an addition to our store’s inventory, vaping supplies are all we sell.  I guess you could say we are experts.